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Yvonne Daniels

Executive Coaching

Professional Change

One-on-One/ Group Coaching (professional, personal, educational)


Conferences and Seminars O.V.E.R.Throw Evolution


Business/Financial Planning Life Advocacy and Accountability

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My Story

It took 12 years after graduating high school with no direction. I went through 13 jobs and multiple solid career changes before I found the joy in Mathematics Education. Although I loved being in the classroom, the students around me showed me a different journey was needed. 10 months later I had my masters, and shortly after that I had my 6th year and 092 Administration Certificate.


I have created new mathematical pathways and social clubs, received state grant funds for interdisciplinary curriculum and teacher of the year awards. I left the classroom on a journey to a diversity coach to help train teachers on the effects of education on students with diverse backgrounds. Currently I am helping to support and build curriculum as a Mathematics Supervisor for grades 6-12 public education. 


Children are the heart of education and we create the structure. Articles, conferences, webinars are one step in the design to educate the educators. The greatest return is from executive coaching where professional change happens.

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