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Yvr O.V.E.R.Throw

O.V.E.R.Throw yvr evolution into motion to recreate SELF!! Organize, Void, Expand, Recreate to set the new you and new goals, whether daily, monthly, or life long change! We create these goals with yvrself, yvr career, yvr busines, or yvr habit or self worth. 


You must O.V.E.R.Throw yvrself before you can began evolution. I found my power in AND and not OR when creating life goals and I want to help you do the same. 

What Goal are you working on TODAY?!

Yvr Personal O.V.E.R.Throw

FREE Resource O.V.E.R.Throw Flipbook


Yvr Diversity O.V.E.R.Throw

Yvr Entrepreneur O.V.E.R.Throw


 Yvr Budget/Financial Planning

Book a Consultation Today


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