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Women's Brunch 2024

Roadblocks and Breakthroughs

Previous Events

The Classroom O.V.E.R.Throw: Combining Project-Based With Student Choice


 Association of Experiential Education Conference

 Madison WI

November 2023

Creating Safe Spaces in Education




AAC&U Diversity, Equity, Student Success Conference

 Las Vegas, NV

March 2023

Belief Gap>Achievement Gap




 Middletown Free Center

Middletown CT

April 2022

Detracking: Tapping into the 21st Century



SERC Dismantling Systemic Racism 2023: 7th Conference on Race, Education & Success

New Haven CT

May 2023

Personal O.V.E.R.Throw




 Public Allies training on the Who? What? Why? in the change on systems

New Haven CT

February 2023

Use of the "N" Word



CitizenTV segment on how the "N" word effects the youth today. 

 New Haven CT

January 2020

Leveraging Heterogeneous Grouping



ATOMIC conference

New Haven CT

March 2023

Power of AND not OR: There is power and doing one than more career in order to find your true passion. 


 S.T.O.R.M. Academy 

Bridgeport CT

May 2022

Previous Awards

Achieving Goals

Unsung Hero

May 2015

Teacher of the Year

March 2019

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