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Unbelievable: An Educator's Journey across the Belief Gap

Below is the full article from NCSM Inspiration! I wrote this piece after sharing my story with a colleague. The story is a brief description of my journey through education. This article is not a horror story to tell you how I failed or a success story how I persevered. This is simply one case in a systemic problem we can fix together. We often fail to realize how policy and people create or destroy the systems around us. There were people in education who saved me. Without education I do not think I would have the opportunities I have to be standing in front of you. However without the belief gap I may have been standing here much sooner and at a greater capacity.

However, education being my failure and my success can be, and are true for so many young black girls and boys. We have to remember the history of education and how it is designed. Go on over to article two when you're done.

I encourage you to join NCSM Inspiration! in order to continue to read more academic journals and join national conferences.


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